Stefan Liebert
In 1995, following a motorcycle accident in which I sustained various injuries including three broken ribs, a broken collarbone and a dislocated thumb, I was unable to follow my regular exercise program of lifting weights and riding my mountain bicycle. A friend of mine mentioned to me that after my ribs had healed I should try Pilates.
At the time I had never heard of Pilates and since I was not able to either lift weights or go cycling, I figured why not try something new and different.
After just a few sessions I already felt the incredible benefits from Pilates and loved it. The body-mind-spirit connection felt very familiar to my Tai Chi practice of many years and I started to feel results very quickly. It helped tremendously with my flexibility and the strengthening of my core as well as my balance. In 1998 I started to race off-road motorcycles, something that I had wanted to do since I was nine years old, but never had the means to. I started out in desert racing and then in 2001 added Motocross as well. I could definitely feel how much my Pilates training was helping me by providing me with better balance, separation and overall strength and flexibility.
By 2004 I had won two Motocross championships and I turned my attention to Supermoto, a mix of road racing and Motocross. I was able to win the New Mexico State Open Expert Championship in 2007 and in 2008 I fulfilled my dream and goal to turn Pro and to finish out my racing career racing with the top pro riders of the world in the AMA Pro Nationals. After many years of studying Pilates I decided to become a teacher in the Pilates Method. I went through a vigorous certification program and started teaching at a couple of local studios.
In 2009 I decided it was time to retire from racing and focus my attention on creating my own top-notch quality Pilates studio. Seeing the results that I am able to achieve with Pilates, my goal is to help others to progress and succeed in their discipline and/or life by training them correctly in the Pilates method.
I have seen great results for runners, golfers, cyclists, equestrians, motorcycle racers and no matter what sports clients are engaged in, the Pilates Method always seems to propel them to the next level in their discipline.
At the same time I take great pride in accelerating my clients recovery from knee or hip joint replacements to enable them to get back to their normal activities.
I continue my education in anatomy, movement and rehabilitation and also have become a registered Yoga teacher to expand my knowledge to help and guide my clients to a healthier and more fun and full life.